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Reishi Mushrooms for Anxiety and Other Benefits

reishi mushrooms can help treat anxiety here are some reishi mushrooms

Reishi Mushrooms for Anxiety and Other Benefits

Finding natural remedies for anxiety and stress can be difficult, but there are options available. One popular ingredient is the reishi mushroom, used to help reduce stress levels, anxiety, and other health concerns. Reishi mushroom benefits cover a variety of health complications, both mental and physical, which means it may be the perfect additional support for you. 

In this article, we'll explore what makes reishi mushroom benefits unique. We'll also uncover how to use the reishi mushroom for anxiety treatment, helping to keep you in a better place mentally and physically.

What is the Reishi Mushroom?

The oriental fungus known as ganoderma lucidum in China, Japan, and most Asian countries has made its way across the world to the health and wellness industry. This dark mushroom's glossy exterior and wood-like texture make it unique when compared to other fungi. Reishi mushroom benefits range from historical speculations to recent studies, all indicating that this herbal remedy has some merit when involved with easing both physical and mental health conditions.

For over 2,000 years, people have used the Reishi mushroom for anxiety, stress, and more. The mushroom was once a rare find in the wild but has now been cultivated to increase its numbers. Originally reserved for and revered by the upper class, globalization has introduced the fungus to people of all cultures and socioeconomic statuses.

As a staple of Eastern medicine, the chemical components of the Reishi mushroom have been tested on several levels, including cells, animals, and humans, to ensure the safety of the triterpenois and polysaccharides. Now, adding this ingredient into products like MDcalm, allows people all over the world to enjoy using the reishi mushroom for anxiety as it offers amazing health benefits when taken properly.

Reishi Mushroom Benefits

Knowing that Eastern medicine is a viable option when deciding on your healthcare plan, using reishi for anxiety isn't a bad idea. There are also other uses for the fungus that are not as well known or promoted. Support for these reishi mushroom benefits has been studied, though some are more conclusive than others. Nevertheless, the fungus has been used as a staple of Eastern medicine for over 2,000 years for good reason.

The mushroom's bioactive components contribute to its therapeutic application and make reishi for anxiety popular. More recently, reishi mushroom benefits are being explored for their cancer-fighting potential and more.

While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved the use of the fungus for medicinal purposes or dietary supplements, that does not negate the studies done to show the benefits of incorporating reishi for anxiety into your lifestyle.  

Immune System Boost

This ingredient can affect the genes present in white blood cells, as some test-tube studies have shown. These cells are natural killers, battling off infections and viruses that enter the body. Increasing one's intake of the fungus can also augment the number of white blood cells in the body.

The immune system benefits have been shown to be most beneficial for people who are already ill, but the fungus can help boost immunity in healthy people as well. If you find yourself feeling under the weather, a small dosage of reishi extract like that found in MDcalm could help for a short period of time. 

Depression Symptom Relief

While immune system benefits are the most well-known effect of this extract, there are other advantages to the fungus. One can improve their quality of life by consuming the reishi for anxiety and stress, potentially reducing the impact of depression and getting long-desired relief for the symptoms. 

Those who are already healthy may not see this side of the benefits when taking the extract, but the benefits are present for some. 

Reduces Fatigue

In addition to depression symptom relief and taking reishi mushroom for anxiety, this ingredient can improve one's quality of life by reducing fatigue. After taking the supplement for a few weeks, patients saw their fatigue fading away and their lifestyles improving due to newfound energy. 

Fatigue can be caused by stress and anxiety, draining energy that could be better used elsewhere. This was tested on patients who were already ill and struggling with low energy levels, and results cannot be confirmed for those in perfect health, but the extract is promising. 

By taking the reishi for anxiety, you may reduce the amount of anxiety you experience. This could increase the amount of energy you have to use throughout the day.

Heart Health

Another benefit of the mushroom extract is that it can improve your heart health. In a 12-week study, participants' results showed the potential for the ingredient to increase desired HDL cholesterol. Extended use to 16 weeks did not show further improvements, meaning that a 12-week program may be enough to improve heart health for those with concerns in addition to using reishi for anxiety.

While more research is needed, the current studies are promising for those looking to improve their overall health. Talk with your doctor to decide what dosage is best for you, making sure it doesn't conflict with any existing medications or allergies you have.

Blood Sugar Management

The molecules found in the reishi mushrooms have been studied for their blood sugar control properties. While more research is needed, the reishi mushroom lowered blood sugar levels after meals in some studies when compared to a placebo.

This can help you if you struggle with diabetes, as regulating blood sugar levels can be a difficult endeavor. Other metabolic diseasescan be more easily managed when using reishi extract. Consult your primary care provider to discuss the proper dosage and how the fungus may affect your health.

Cancer-Fighting Potential

This fungus has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, and one of the primary reasons has been its cancer-fighting properties. In a study of breast cancer survivors, more than half of the 4,000 survivors used reishi mushrooms during their treatment programs.

In addition to breast cancer studies, the fungus is being studied for combating colorectal cancers as well. Part of the benefit is the increase of activity within white blood cells, which allows them to attack tumors that grow in the body.

More research is needed to have conclusive results, but the reishi mushroom may be the extra ingredient needed to combat cancers. Existing studies are promising for both cancer treatment and prevention as the fungus makes its way into standard therapies. This combined with the benefits of reishi for anxiety in products like MDcalm could provide crucial support for stressed cancer patients. 

Antioxidant Properties

As molecules that help prevent your cells from being damaged, antioxidants provide a necessary service to the body. These important properties are present in reishi mushrooms, making them an appealing food and supplement for the health-conscious consumer.

Anecdotal claims are the most prevalent form of evidence for the mushroom's antioxidant properties, as studies are still underway. Despite this, the mushroom has still been used for thousands of years for this purpose, with varying results.

Reishi Dosage Recommendations

Food and supplements that improve health come in varying dosages. With reishi mushroom benefits, the advantages vary with the size of the dosage. Consult your doctor to determine which dose is best for your specific health concerns.

Full Mushroom

If you want to have the full dose of the fungus, the mushroom can be consumed itself. The highest dose of reishi mushroom that can be consumed is between 25 to 100 grams. The exact dose depends on the size of the mushroom itself when consumed. If you're unsure about how to determine the proper dosage, ask your physician. 

The mushroom can be eaten alone or mixed into meals for consumption. For additional ways to improve your health, consider adding the mushroom to new dishes that are inspired by Asian cuisine to get the most out of your meal. You can try new recipes and experiment with herbs and spices that will complement the mushroom.

Mushroom Extract

When using reishi for anxiety, the mushroom extract is typically used instead of the entire fungus. This allows for the most potent parts of the fungus to be utilized for health benefits. The dried extract of the mushroom is less than a full dose, but more concentrated.

This means that the mushroom can be taken throughout the day in smaller doses. Your primary care physician can help determine the best dosage for you when looking at your options.  

Multi-Ingredient Supplements

Reishi mushroom for anxiety isn't the only powerful ingredient out there. Other natural extracts and herbs can reduce anxiety and stress, and they have other health benefits. 

When using products like MDcalm, you get reishi mushroom benefits along with a mixture of other beneficial ingredients. This also means you don't have to worry about proper dosage because the supplements are prepared for you and ready to consume.  

Reishi Possible Side Effects

Despite the numerous reishi mushroom benefits, there are side effects associated with the fungus. While most people won't experience the negatives of the mushroom, there are some potential risks to consuming the reishi mushroom.

Since the reishi mushroom is still being studied, not all side effects have been discovered and reported to the appropriate agencies. Knowing this, it is doubly important to consult your healthcare professional on what supplements and doses will work best for you.

Upset Stomach

An upset stomach is uncomfortable to deal with for anyone. Some people who use reishi for anxiety and other health concerns experience discomfort in their stomachs afterward. Digestive distress is uncommon from consuming the fungus but possible.

People who take the reishi mushroom for longer periods of time, such as several consecutive months, are more likely to experience side effects like an upset stomach. These digestive side effects can be combated with reduced dosages.  

Another way to reduce the possibility of experiencing this negative side effect is to ensure you're using the correct dosage. If you're consuming whole mushrooms or taking the extract on its own, it may be difficult to ensure you're not getting too much. However, opting for prepared supplements like MDcalm can ensure you always take the same amount. 

Liver Problems

Those with underlying conditions or a history of kidney and liver problems may want to avoid the mushroom in large doses. Limited information is available in regard to the safety of the mushroom for liver damage, but considering that people have used the reishi mushroom for anxiety and stress over the last 2,000 years, it is safe for the general public to consume. 

Any concerns should be addressed with a healthcare professional to ensure there are no allergic reactions or complications to worry about.

Frequently Asked Questions

Now that you know all about the reishi mushroom's benefits and how it can be used for anxiety, stress, and other medical concerns to improve your overall health, you may have additional questions about the safety and use of the fungus. This is expected and encouraged. The more you know, the more you can customize your healthcare plan and create a more personal approach to your overall health.

Before adding the reishi mushroom for anxiety to your diet as an ingredient or supplement, take a minute to review these frequently asked questions and educate yourself on the best practices. 

Is the Reishi Mushroom safe to consume?

The reishi mushroom has been used for over 2,000 years by multiple cultures for its medicinal properties. The fungus is renowned in Eastern medicine, widely known and sought out due to its famed healing abilities. For the general public, the reishi mushroom is safe to be eaten or consumed as a supplement.

There is little evidence to suggest, let alone support, the idea that the reishi mushroom is dangerous to consumers. Like many other herbs and mushrooms, it can be consumed for health benefits without complications.

If you have any concerns about dietary complications, potential health risks or allergies regarding the mushroom, please reach out to your primary care physician to get their opinion on the subject. 

Does the Reishi Mushroom affect blood pressure?

Among other health benefits, the reishi mushroom has the potential to lower blood pressure. There isn't enough evidence to conclusively report that this is guaranteed for everyone, but research is still being conducted to determine the full impact of reishi mushrooms on the human body.

Since people have used reishi for anxiety, stress, heart health, and blood sugar, it can be understood that the mushroom can be used to lower blood pressure in an individual as well. Those with low blood pressure are already advised to avoid the mushroom out of concern it may drop further.

Should I speak to a doctor before consuming Reishi Mushrooms?

It's also best to check in with your healthcare provider before adding anything new to your routine. Before you decide to add the reishi mushroom benefits to your healthcare regimen, schedule time to meet with your primary care physician to discuss the potential risks and benefits of the mushroom. Those who are at risk for certain health conditions may need to take lower dosages to avoid health complications.

Your health comes first, so consult a professional before making important changes.

Can I consume Reishi mushrooms naturally?

Absolutely! You can consume reishi mushrooms in dishes that you make. There are plenty of recipes you can use to create fantastic meals you and your family can savor. You can enjoy both the myriad of flavors and the health benefits the reishi mushroom has to offer.

Get creative with how to present the meal, and consider adding the mushroom to other aspects of your diet. If you don't have time to cook lavish meals, you can add the extract to smoothies or shakes for easy consumption. This works well if you don't enjoy the taste of the mushroom but want to reap its many health benefits. 

Who should avoid taking the reishi mushroom for anxiety and stress?

While most people can safely consume the reishi mushroom, there are some who should avoid it for their health. Since there is no FDA-approved safety information for the fungus, it's best to err on the side of caution.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid the mushroom because the effects on both a fetus and infant have not been studied enough. Additionally, people who have blood disorders or upcoming surgery should avoid the mushroom as it may complicate things by thinning the blood. If you fall into one of these categories and would like to attempt adding the mushroom regardless, speak with your doctor about the best approach for you.

Using Reishi Mushroom for Anxiety and Health Benefits

Eastern medicine reveres the reishi mushroom for anxiety and its medicinal properties that may relieve stress, heart problems, and more. There could be reishi mushroom benefits for those struggling to fight cancer and fatigue as well. While it is safe for most people to consume, a health professional should be consulted before making a final decision about using reishi mushroom for anxiety or other ailments.

If you're interested in using reishi for anxiety, consider products tailor-made for this purpose such as MDcalm, and see what these supplements can do for you.